Let Me Tell You or Your Group About Honey Bees
We give bee talks to just about anyone or any club who will listen. During spring and fall, you will find us talking bees, selling honey, and promoting beekeeping locally and in Haiti. We’ve given presentations to community groups, professional associations, and international environmental conferences. We do voluntary swarm removals, preferring those at chest-high on outer branches of the tree). We sell honey, make candles, lotions and do bee removals from structures as part of our fundraising efforts.
Our Leadership teams’ involvement with beekeeper associations includes charter membership and officer positions with the Saughahatchee Beekeepers Association and Alabama Beekeepers Association. Our Founder is a Master Beekeeper and Welsh Honey Judge (the first in the State of Alabama) certified through the Young Harris/UGA Beekeeping Institute and Welsh Honey Judge program.